April 28, 2011

Home Sweet Home

Hello again!

I'm back! Did anyone miss me? Eheh, I'm kidding, I'm not even sure there's anyone reading this..
Anyways I'm sorry for not writing for a while.. Just came back from over two weeks travel, and by the way, I'm still kind of tired after sitting in the plane for 13 hours yesterday, so I'm not responsible for what I'm writing here today. Also the time difference makes me lil bit.. strange. :D

Now I'd like to write couple of words (maybe even more) about the travel, even though I said this is not a travel blog.. As I wished before the travel, all the snow is gone now. And it's +15 degrees outside.. Wow, so hot! xD
Hmm.. Seems like it's kind of hard to focus on what I'm writing. Maybe because memories of the travel are so fresh and I can still see all the lizards, frogs, elephants.. flowers.. trees.. jungle.. and it's so green there, because the place is in the middle of a kind of tropical forest.. Ah, it's so amazing and so beautiful. Thailand.. or at least Khao Lak. Another thing worth to mention is the positive attitude of Thai people. They're nice with everyone. They always find the good side of things, even if they have problems or if something bad happens, they can always see something good in everything. Maybe that's why they're smiling all the time. Wish it was like that also in Finland.. Anyways.. Instead of souvenirs, I got a lot of good memories that will last for a lifetime, positive attitude towards life.. and a BIG smile!:) If you want to know more about my travel, you can read about it at  http://thaisunrise.blogspot.com..

One more thing.. In Thailand I got a chance to try diving.. or should I say scuba diving? Anyways I mean diving with oxygen bottle and all those things..:D After trying it in a swimming pool, I wanted to try it also in the Sea, but I decided to skip it this time, after a jellyfish fell in love with my leg.. ^^' Before the travel I saw a video (but didn't have time to upload it here) about free fall.. So, now I'd like to share it here. ;)

April 09, 2011

Goodbye snow, hello sun!

It's almost spring, but here in cold Finland it doesn't mean +20°C, not even close.. It's more like +5°C.. :P Here you can only dream about sunbathing, and if you want to go for a picnic, better do it indoors.. Unless you like to spend time with some snowmen..:D First I wrote "snowmans", what happened to my English?o.O

However, enough is enough.. I don't want to see any more snow, not before next winter. If someone would like to have some snow, there's plenty of it here, you're welcome to take it all!

But maybe in 17 days it will be all gone.. And that's how long I'm going to stay away from here. Because tomorrow we're finally (after 2 or 3 months from the day we booked the travel) going to leave.. And hopefully in couple of days - it takes 11 hours by plane to get there - we're going to be there.. In Thailand!  I'm going there with Mom.. She's taking me there, because I finally finished school. I'm only 20, it's not so late, I guess. Thanks Mom! Even though I bet she's not going to read this.. :D I just hope the snow is gone when we come back. ^^

I'm sure the travel will be awesome, but I'm not going to turn this blog into some kind of travel blog.. Maybe I'll write something also while I'm in Thailand, but I guess I have something better to do, too.. The blog can wait.

But, of course, as we're going to stay in Khao Lak, I'm kind of thoughtful.. As it's one of the coastal areas hardest hit by the tsunami in 2004.. I'm not scared it will happen again, but I'm thinking about all the people who died there and those who lost their loved ones.. Not forgetting what happened in Japan this year.. I really wish there would never be this kind of disasters any more and I wonder if also this is somehow caused by us humans..

If there's anyone reading this blog, comments are welcome. Hope to write again soon. :D

April 08, 2011

The Beginning - About this blog

Hello everyone!

I'm saying 'everyone', because I'm writing to everyone.. Even though I'm not sure anyone will ever read this. However.. I've never had a blog before and I really don't know how it works or what exactly I should write here, but I guess it's okay to write about anything.

First, I would like to explain the name of this blog.. With "Distortion of Utopia" I mean the distortion of this world and how it's is far from perfect.. So is this blog, so am I & so are everyone else.. And also my English. It's not my native language and I know I can't speak (or write) it perfectly, but I'm doing my best. I hope you understand.

And, despite the name of this blog, I'm not going to write only about bad things, but also about the brighter side of the world.. So, don't worry, I'm not trying to make everyone depressed here. :D

I know this blog won't change the world, but I hope someone is reading it anyway.. :)