April 08, 2011

The Beginning - About this blog

Hello everyone!

I'm saying 'everyone', because I'm writing to everyone.. Even though I'm not sure anyone will ever read this. However.. I've never had a blog before and I really don't know how it works or what exactly I should write here, but I guess it's okay to write about anything.

First, I would like to explain the name of this blog.. With "Distortion of Utopia" I mean the distortion of this world and how it's is far from perfect.. So is this blog, so am I & so are everyone else.. And also my English. It's not my native language and I know I can't speak (or write) it perfectly, but I'm doing my best. I hope you understand.

And, despite the name of this blog, I'm not going to write only about bad things, but also about the brighter side of the world.. So, don't worry, I'm not trying to make everyone depressed here. :D

I know this blog won't change the world, but I hope someone is reading it anyway.. :)


  1. Chedipe Lamia.....from where did you invent that name??? :P
    I wonder how you will look with a little nose and hardly visible small eyes to suit that name...to me it looks like a name for a chinese kid (just kidding) :).
    It looks like the Thai trip has got allover of your mind already.

  2. Actually ChedipeLamia means some kind of vampire..:D
